It's Ben 

 Benjamin or ET?


Ben a little older and looking good. 



Brent, Mallory and Ethan at the butterfly house in St. Louis.  It is humid in there as most of the butterflies from tropical areas.  It was really amazing to see all the different colors and sizes of butterflies that are in there. 



 Ethan and daddy with Ethan's bass.  It was returned to the water but it was a nice one.  I think this one was 14" and bass have to be 16" to be legal.



On the Lund boat behind Mallory is a small  hole that Mallory likes to climb into and hide.  Like I said, when the boat leaves the dock she's happy and getting a bonus. 

 Come on, I've got my pole and I'm ready to go!  Mallory just likes getting on the boat and if it leaves the dock that's just a bonus.


Ethan in the cradle that I made from scratch, what I mean is that it wasn't a kit.  Red oak and it was fun to make.


Amy, Ethan and Brent enjoying fishing and feeding the ducks.  OK, let's get the straight, Brent's not fishing for the ducks, he's actually fishing for fish.


 Mallory in her dock swing.  Fun and she gets a kick out of it.


 Grandma Julie, Mallory and Ethan playing in the water between the dock and the seawall.  Water is about 4' deep at the dock and about a foot deep at the seawall.


More swimming in front of the dock, 9 feet of water and it's a warm 80 degrees 


Whoa! Whoa!  It's not that you have to open your mouth wider, you need to lower the spoon.  Your supposed to deposit it on your tongue, not the roof of your mouth or up your nose, silly goose. 

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